Bytebase 2.22.1

NingjingNingjing1 min read

🚀 New Features

  • SQL Editor displays more inline schema details including tables, views, functions and stored procedures.
  • Support SQL reviews via PR comments for GitOps workflows.
  • The OpenAI feature is in Community Plan (free), allowing natural language to SQL in the SQL Editor by configuring your own OpenAI key.
  • Support selecting data sources between Admin and Readonly modes in the SQL Editor, configurable at the environment or project level.
  • Support for Microsoft Entra as a built-in OAuth2 SSO provider.
  • Support using database labels as filters for database group conditions in raw expression format.
  • Support for table_name as a risk factor for DDL and DML operations.

🎄 Enhancements

  • Improve TLS support for MongoDB, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.
  • Show roles, databases, and IDPs in audit logs.
  • Record binding diff in SetIamPolicy in audit logs.
  • Set the application name to Bytebase for MySQL and PostgreSQL connections.
  • Improve compatibility for Oracle and MSSQL.

⚙️ Install and Upgrade

Warning: Bytebase does not support downgrade. Make sure to back up your meta data before upgrading.

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