Why Bytebase

Previously, our founding team managed Google Cloud database and API infrastructure. We envision Bytebase to be the GitLab/GitHub equivalent for Database DevOps, specifically built for developers, DBAs and platform engineers.

Bytebase is a middleware sitting between you and your database. It can be used in 2 ways:

  • GUI - Bytebase provides a collaboration workspace for teams to manage database development tasks for all database systems.
  • API (headless) - Bytebase can go headless. Teams can integrate Bytebase API into their development workflow.



Bytebase is an all-in-one solution for database development lifecycle management. It replaces fragmented database tools and unifies the workflow in a single place. Check all the tools Bytebase replaces.


Key Features

SQL Review

Bytebase analyzes SQL changes to enforce rules in compliance with your organization's policy. The enforcement includes naming conventions, anti-SQL pattern detection and etc. Prod and non-prod environments can also enforce different rules respectively.

Database CI/CD and Change Automation

Like code review, Bytebase streamlines the database change process. Within a single workflow, a database change can be reviewed and deployed from the dev environment all the way to the production environment.

GitOps (Database-as-Code)

Bytebase keeps the complete schema change history. It also integrates with VCS systems. Teams can manage the SQL migration scripts in the VCS and trigger schema deployment on code commit.

Batch Change and Query

Bytebase allows you to change a collection of databases in a single workflow. It also allows you to issue a single query against multiple databases.

SQL Editor

A web-based SQL Editor to query and export data. DBAs no longer need to give away sensitive database credentials when developers need to access the data.

Dynamic Data Masking

Bytebase provides multi-level masking policy with workflow to grant unmasked data access.

Data Access Control

Bytebase provides a suite of features to enable organizations to enforce data security policies, avoid data leaks and conform compliance.

Data Rollback

  • Statement-level rollback

  • Database-level manual and periodical backup and restore

  • Point-in-time recovery (PITR)


Bytebase GUI is built on the Bytebase API. In theory, 3rd-party can build a new Bytebase GUI based on the same API.

Compare with Liquibase / Flyway / schemachange

If Liquibase, Flyway are Git, then Bytebase is GitLab/GitHub. And as an open source project, Bytebase is growing way faster and ranked No.1 among alternatives.


Compare with DBeaver / Navicat

SQL GUI Client such as MySQL Workbench, pgAdmin, DBeaver, Navicat provide a GUI to interact with the database. Bytebase not only provides a GUI client, it can also enforce centralized data access control for data security and governance.

Compare with CloudBeaver

Both have web-based SQL clients. Additionally, Bytebase offers review workflow, more collaboration and security features.

Bytebase vs. CloudBeaver

Compare with Metabase

Metabase is a data visualization and business intelligence (BI) tool. It's built for data teams and business analysts to make sense of the data.

Bytebase is a database development platform. It's built for the developer teams to perform database operations during the application development lifecycle.

Bytebase vs. Metabase

Compare with Jira

Jira is a general-purpose issue ticketing system. Bytebase is a database domain-specific change management system. Bytebase provides an integrated experience to plan, review, and deploy database changes.

Bytebase vs. Jira

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