
EndpointPOST /v1/auth/login

Service Account

You should create service account to interact with the Bytebase API.

In Users & Groups under Security & Policy section, Add User on the upper-right. Choose Service Account Type, fill in the email and Confirm. Then you can see your service account in the list. Copy Service Key right away.


You can only copy the key right after creating the service account. The key will disappear if you refresh the page.

Login to fetch the token

You need to obtain the exchange token before calling the API.

export bytebase_url=
export bytebase_account=<<your_service_account>>
export bytebase_password=<<your_service_key>>

bytebase_token=$(curl -v ${bytebase_url}/v1/auth/login \
    --data-raw '{"email":"'${bytebase_account}'","password":"'${bytebase_password}'","web":true}' \
    --compressed 2>&1 | grep token | grep -o 'access-token=[^;]*;' | grep -o '[^;]*' | sed 's/access-token=//g; s/;//g')

Test API

# List projects
curl --request GET ${bytebase_url}/v1/projects \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer '${bytebase_token}
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