Manage SQL Scripts with Sheet

Sheet is the medium for you to interact inside SQL Editor. Sheet is the entity where you store, run and share the SQL scripts with your teammates.

Save sheet

Click Save on the upper right of the Editor or use the shortcut key (⌘ + S) to save your SQL queries for later reference. SQL Editor will also automatically record SQL queries which have run successfully.


Query history

SQL Editor will automatically record SQL queries which have run successfully. You can find them in the History panel on the left.


Configure sheet access

You can configure the sheet with one of the following access levels:

  • Private - Only you can access this sheet
  • Project - Both sheet OWNER and project OWNER can read/write, and project DEVELOPER can read
  • Public - Sheet OWNER can read/write, and all others can read

Configure access

To share a sheet, click Copy button to copy the sharing link to the clipboard.

Copy the share link

Manage sheet

You can manage sheets in the Sheets panel on the top left side of the page. You can find all created sheets, sheets others shared with you and star sheets.


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