Manage Database Change with Data Rollback

Estimated: 30 mins

When changing data in the database, it's advisable to have a backup of the data you plan to modify in case you need to roll back. Bytebase offers a feature called Data Rollback to assist with this. This tutorial will guide you through this process.


  1. Make sure you have Docker installed, and if you don’t have important existing Bytebase data locally, you can start over from scratch by rm -rf ~/.bytebase/data.

  2. It's an Enterprise Plan feature, you need to have a valid license to enable it. You can request a trial license key from here.

Step 1 - Start Bytebase and upgrade to Enterprise Plan

  1. Copy and paste the commands to start one Bytebase via Docker.

    docker run --rm --init \
      --name bytebase \
      --publish 8080:8080 --pull always \
      --volume ~/.bytebase/data:/var/opt/bytebase \
  2. Regsiter an admin account and it will be granted the workspace admin role automatically.

  3. Click the Setting icon on the top right, and then click Workspace > Subscription to upload the license.

  4. Click the pen icon, select the instances you want to enable Enterprise features, and click Confirm.


Step 2 - Prepare schema bbdataarchive

Bytebase stores the backup data in a dedicated place. For Postgres, it's stored under the bbdataarchive schema for the changing database.

  1. Go to Sample Project, click Database > Databases on the left side, choose hr_test, and then click Edit Schema.

  2. In the Schema Editor, click ... and then click Create Schema. Fill it with the name bbdataarchive and click Create.


  3. You can now see the bbdataarchive schema in green color. Click Preview issue. Create the issue and wait till it rolls out automatically. Now the bbdataarchive schema is created.


Step 3 - Change Data and roll back

  1. Before the change, go to SQL Editor, choose hr_test and double click employee table, and you'll see the current data. We'll try to change the first_name for Georgi.


  2. Go to Sample Project and Database > Databases again, choose hr_test, and then click Change Data.

  3. Turn on Prior Backup on the right, input the SQL into the field, and then click Create.

    UPDATE employee SET first_name = 'Adela' WHERE emp_no = 10001;


  4. After the issue is created and then rolled out, you can see there is an activity saying the data is backed up to a new table under the previously created bbdataarchive schema.


  5. Go to Database > Databases again, and click hr_test. You'll be redirected to the database page.

  6. Choose bbdataarchive schema, and you can see the backup table.


  7. To verify, go to SQL Editor. Choose employee table in hr_test under public schema, input the following SQL script and click Run, and you'll see the data is changed.

    SELECT * FROM "public"."employee" ORDER BY emp_no LIMIT 50;


  8. Choose bbdataarchive schema, and double-click the table below. You'll see the backup data in the query result.


Noteworthy Difference

If you want to use MySQL/SQL Server/Oracle, instead of creating a bbdataarchive schema, you should create a bbdataarchive database to store the backup data. Check the doc for more details.

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